Much ado about nothing...
In a lush jungle deep within the heart of Nature, there was a poor lad whose wish was only to have a magic mirror so that he could communicate with his love who lived in a faraway land. He was a kind and gentle soul who would not hurt a single fly and only hopes for nothing more than the barest root to fill his tummy and the smallest drop of water to wet his throat. He braved the wild and savage unknown to this part of the land to seek the pearl that would open the gates for his future. You see, when he was but a mere infant in the arms of his mother, a wise witch came and foretold that someday he would have to seek the Pearl in order to save his love.
Before going off on this arduous journey, he went to seek the shaman of the woods to get advice as to how he should seek out his love.
'Magic the magic mirror.'
And so began the adventure of this wandering soul as he traversed many wondrous land. After much work and toll on his poor body, he finally found what he needed to know. The Magic Mirror was located deep in the Caves of Telekom and that the Magic Mirror had a name. It's called the Streamyx. Legend has it that it was arcane technology passed on by a passing civilisation onto the natives of the land. Then the Corporate clan from the warring tribes of Capitalism came and tortured the secrets out of the people. Having cleansed the land of goodness and purity they began harvesting the very essence of the land. The planted the seeds of Profit and Oppression and before long these took root of the land and corrupting every life form there was.
Knowing that people are social creatures and are in constant need of having to keep in touch with their loved ones, the Corporate people came up with the idea of selling the technology of the Magic Mirror, Streamyx, to the very people that they have stolen from. The price however, was an issue that many were reluctant to face.
The poor lad, having learnt all these, sought to procure the technology for himself so that he may share it with others. First, he needed to face the dangers that lurk deep within Cave Telekom.
And so began the diary of his adventures....
Before going off on this arduous journey, he went to seek the shaman of the woods to get advice as to how he should seek out his love.
'Magic the magic mirror.'
And so began the adventure of this wandering soul as he traversed many wondrous land. After much work and toll on his poor body, he finally found what he needed to know. The Magic Mirror was located deep in the Caves of Telekom and that the Magic Mirror had a name. It's called the Streamyx. Legend has it that it was arcane technology passed on by a passing civilisation onto the natives of the land. Then the Corporate clan from the warring tribes of Capitalism came and tortured the secrets out of the people. Having cleansed the land of goodness and purity they began harvesting the very essence of the land. The planted the seeds of Profit and Oppression and before long these took root of the land and corrupting every life form there was.
Knowing that people are social creatures and are in constant need of having to keep in touch with their loved ones, the Corporate people came up with the idea of selling the technology of the Magic Mirror, Streamyx, to the very people that they have stolen from. The price however, was an issue that many were reluctant to face.
The poor lad, having learnt all these, sought to procure the technology for himself so that he may share it with others. First, he needed to face the dangers that lurk deep within Cave Telekom.
And so began the diary of his adventures....