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Wednesday, December 06, 2006 


Been busy the past few days. To cap it all..it was fun meeting up with old friends, share some tales. I really miss being young. Sigh...It's always the same. We never truly appreciate the things/time we have until it's too late. Also, started my attachment already. Was in the High Court yesterday. Saw a couple getting divorced. [not my attachment firm's case..someone else's] The husband was unrepresented and as they were battling it out, the question of custody arose. The court interpreter had to translate everything to Mandarin and everyone in the courtroom had an earful. Whilst they were discussing the custodial issue, the children were actually in the courtroom itself. A boy and a girl no older than 12. I feel so sorry for them. There they are, sitting down, while their parents were before a judge arguing about who is getting whom. Sad but true...

Was in Bemban, Jasin and Kesang today. So tired.

On a lighter note, I'm Padme. I wanna love Padme though. I should've aimed for Vader.

What Star Wars Character Are You?

Padme Amidala
Congratulations. You are Padme Amidala, the beautiful young senator from Naboo. You were commited to civic duty from a young age and believe in democracy for all.
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