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Sunday, June 24, 2007 

Auguries of Innocence

Time stops for no man, what more for a silly little blog. This little page, tucked in a corner of cyberspace collecting dust, until I happened to chance upon it today to scribble some gibberish in an effort to sound like a regular blogger. So much for consistency... :)

So, what is up with the world today? The past 1 month has seen many events...Crimes, mergers, stupid parliamentary sessions, catastrophes, deaths and let's see...did I miss anything? To cut it all short, so much has happened and it is either we know it or we don't. I have always felt that it is always better to know and do nothing about it, than not knowing at all. Ignorance is bliss, I'll say, but informed ignorance is all the more better. An oxymoron? I suppose, but then again I am a moron. I digress....

Where was I again? Ah..yea, it is always good to be in the know and to be aware of circumstances surrounding us. What we do with that knowledge is another thing altogether but the first step is always procure such knowledge. Hence, always stay updated, well-read. You'll never know when those nifty stuff may come in handy if it not already is.

On a more personal note, these past few weeks has been both tiring yet memorable and I would gladly go back in time to live through it. Also, I've managed to finalise certain details for my impending departure for the UK and hopefully all the details will be ironed out soon. A part of me can't wait to leave yet the other longs for more time.

To quote William Blake...

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

So make the best of today and let us not waste any more time! It's only like what...4 more days to Transformers!!! :)


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