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Wednesday, March 23, 2005 

Nurses in White Uniforms..

The corridors of Mahkota Medical Centre seemed like the proverbial tunnel with a shining bright light at the end as I made my way to see my dad. Not even the assemblage of young nurses in pristine white uniforms caught my attention as I made my way to Ward 7A room 703. Thank goodness nothing much happened. Dad was feeling pretty much alright except for the throbbing pain emasculating his body.

Basic rooms cost RM65 (4 beds) while a VVIP room costs RM 354. The room isn't even as fanciful as a single room in a 5 star hotel. Put a small TV, cupboard, and a sofa and there ya go, VVIP room. Geez..If it were up to me, I'd stay in the Centry Mahkota just across the street and check back into the hospital when it's time for screenings and checkups. With RM 354, I can rent a deluxe suite with all the fancy trimmings entailed like buffet b/fast,lunch, maybe some spa, not to mention the POOL. The spacious room, the much bigger TV set, the ample bed and of course the other fine decor. Having said that, I DO realise that staying in the hospital is a much better choice despite not having all the luxury that comes with the same amount of money spent in a hotel. It is just not worth it. Stay in the hotel AFTER you've been cleared by the doctor and is free to leave the hospital.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.. :P .. The fourth floor is closed for renovation and all the patients have been moved to the 7th floor. Hence the gathering of nurses on the 7th floor is twice the concentration on other floors. The majority of them are young Malay nurses with a couple of Chinese and Indian ones. I didn't have a cam with me or else I'd probably put up a few pictures. The ONE wasn't around though and despite my pleas to Kenneth to accompany me, he would have none of it. He'd rather sleep at home. I'll put a few rotten fruits the next time I visit him. More to come.....in the next episode of Nurse : White Uniforms 2 :)

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