The countdown begins...
The highly-anticipated finale of the Harry Potter saga is finally a matter of hours. Will 'The Deathly Hallows' be worth the wait? Will Ms. Rowling finally kill off Harry? Will Hermione ever pair up with Ron? (I'm hoping not... :) she's too good for anyone in the story).
So many questions, so little time. But all these will be answered soon enough. Unfortunately, I will not be one of the throngs of people camping outside bookstores but I certainly hope to be able to read it soon. Kinda like an itch you can't's niggling the feeling of not knowing what happens in the end. That said, exam's coming so I don't know if I'll be able to read it before the exams. If I do, it'll take up the time I can use for my preparations. Then again, if I don't, I get the afore-mentioned itch and cannot concentrate...
I feel so pre-pubescent. Please shoot me now.