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Wednesday, July 29, 2009 

Selamat Jalan S.R.T.! :)

A friend left for home in Indonesia yesterday. I think I've lamented many times that I do not like goodbyes and farewells. The worn and weary expressions with similar themes also fail to cheer me up no matter how eloquently phrased.

Will I ever get used to goodbyes? Having lived for quite a bit now, one would think that I would be able to take it. But it still wrenches my gut whenever I say goodbye to someone I care/love/like. Don't get me wrong...i won't be suicidal or start bungee jumping from buildings minus the rope...I am pretty comfortable with goodbyes, it's just that I still get the raw emotional crunches when I think of how our paths will ever cross again in the future.

An analogy would be that of love. If someone who has loved and hurt would be tougher or less sensitive and rightly so too because we learn from our experience and we "grow" from it. While some may become more indifferent to subsequent affections in new relationships, some still get that nervous tingle when plunging into a new relationship. Some while seemingly indifferent and cautious on the exterior, is an explosion of nerves on the inside. Questions of 'Should I?', 'Can I..?' all start the warning bells ringing. Will this relationship last and all that jazz.

So yes, I still get a little sad (sometimes more depending on the degree of separation and the mode) whenever I have to say goodbye but it has not stopped me from moving on. The sadness that comes from the departure and the intermittent nostalgia will be the only reminders of happier times. I think it'll be the same answer if you should ask me again in a decade. Yes, I never liked goodbyes.

Caveat : The 'goodbye' in this post is meant to be said to people that I do not want to say it to such as close friends, family.. Of course if the situation is about anyone else, Goodbye would be a pleasure on my lips. :D


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