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Monday, November 09, 2009 

Ghost of Christmas Past

Anyone who's had any decent conversation with me these days will be dragged into my current pet topic which is 'I am getting older'. It will usually begin innocently enough with the general remarks that eating is not what it used to be or the state of one's physical self or that my hair is on its way to being like that of Richard Gere's or Rayden.

I used to eat really huge portions. Now, i'm eating only a small fraction of what I used to. Not because I'm on a diet ( well, an imaginary one lah ). I get full so much faster now. 1 packet of maggi mee is enough to fill me, oddly enough. However, I do get the occasional bursts of appetite that is reminiscent of my more youthful days. Ah, when it happens, it's like reliving the good 'ol times. Unfortunately, my body has a mind of its own. It is growing in inverse proportion to my intake of food. Sad but true.

Sometimes, I wake up with a slight ache in my lower back. This is definitely a new symptom and not one that I like. Unless I get a masseuse spouse, this is just going to get worse.

Little kids call you 'uncle' or 'auntie' now, instead of elder brother or sister. Maybe it's because I look very old.

Your hobbies have also changed and evolved. I've stopped gaming a long time now. No more MMORPG, RPG, online turn-based strategies, shooters and even the stupid mini games. Sigh. All those knowledge and l33t sk1llz going to waste. Sometimes i crave for the rush of p4wnz00rrzz! and h4xxorzz!!!

Last but not least, I need to start improving my sword skills. I am so rubbish with it. If I'm to maintain my image as the latest reincarnation of Sephiroth, I have to start practising swords and growing my hair. And they say I have to get a job. Bah, humbug!


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