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Tuesday, October 21, 2008 

Can I trust the Media?

My brief Internet sabbatical has just ended and it was not as bad as some might have thought. I’ve been Internet-less many times before and like I’ve stated in my previous posts (many many months ago…even years I think?) I am capable of being Internetless for a considerable period of time.

Of course, this is will not be the case if you’re expecting urgent mails like your job applications and the like, but in my case, I am not expecting any serious mails. At least not yet. Anyway, I digress.

I’ve managed to finish a considerable amount of books during my Internet-less period. It was very nourishing and I absolutely loved it. I was a little out of touch with News from Around the World but nonetheless, I did read the newspaper. However, I would have preferred reading from some online sources because I find the “neutrality” of the media in this country very much questionable. I am saying this not because I’m aligned to any faction but merely the fact that I would like some unbiased, third-party reporting and where should I expect that if not from the mainstays of either the Star or NST. Both have been disappointing to say the least and I long for a more critical and intellectually-stimulating news coverage.

Not all is lost, as there are some columns that I find to be very interesting and the articles are refreshingly not skewed at all. Arguments were laid out clearly, and details were highlighted, cogent points raised. I wonder how these would articles be allowed when the bulk of the paper seems to be nothing more than a propaganda machine. Alright, that may be extreme, but seriously, I think our newspapers need to be more independent.

It seems to me there are two categories of news here. The politically-controlled (go BN) and the radical (go alternative). Sometimes I don’t know which one to read. Aristotle once said “it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” I question the maturity and intellectual capacity of our masses to do so.

I’m jaded…tired. Somebody prove me wrong.

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