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Saturday, June 04, 2005 

Star Wars again

Watched Star Wars Episode III for the third time. :)

So, this is how liberty dies.... with thunderous applause..

The movie is littered with corny dialogue but there were some quotable scenes worth remembering. It's the CGI splendour and thematic ideology that makes Star Wars the icon that it is today....not the structured and stilted dialogue.

This time, I managed to dissect the movie scene by scene and run them through my head. I wanted to note down a lot of things but sadly, I can't seem to remember enough to count on more than one hand. : / So much for good memory. Bah!

In the scene where the Emperor's aide conferred with Senator Organa, was the conference 2 way or one way? If it was reciprocal, that should mean the aide was able to see Yoda who was directly in front of the screen.

The Light Side had 2 known surviving members of great calibre. This should have been their trump card to beat the Emperor. No doubt Obi-Wan wasn't really much of a hope to go against the Emperor but with Yoda to take the brunt of his attacks, Obi-Wan could serve to provide extra stress to turn the tide in favour of the Light Side. Perhaps Yoda didn't want to risk jeapordizing Obi-Wan and likely the future guardian of the soon-to-be-born twins. But surely it was a risk worth taking... I'm not inclined to believe that Yoda actually foresaw the future where Anakin finally fulfilled his destiny as the One that would bring balance to the Force. A more likely explanation for this notion would be that Yoda has unflinching trust in the prophecy that Anakin was the One. That said however, gathering from the flow of dialogue in the movie, this is not the case. It was clear that the Emperor's move was unprecedented and this resulted in the massacre of the Jedis.

A lot of problem could be solved if only the Council really took Anakin under their wing. Their lack of trust resulted in a communication breakdown and relationship meltdown.

I liked General Grievous' wheel-runner-thingamajig. It really is quite a mechanical beauty. The sheer functionality and not to mention cool X-factor just made it one of the best vehicles in the entire movie. Also, Naboo ships tend to be metallic silver coloured ... whole...head to toe. I guess it's their trademark. I liked Count Dooku's ship with the chute. Now that's one cool ship.

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Dooku's Solar Sailer

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Grievous's Wheel Bike

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